Medicine dept in our tertiary care hospital is ready to manage complicated medical problems. We have highly qualified & experienced consultants who can handle complex medical issues test data
Diagnosis & Treatment of - Ankylosing Spondylitis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematous, Systemic Sclerosis, Vasculitis, Osteoporosis, Gout, Sjogren's Syndrome, Myositis and all types of Osteoarthritis.
Diagnosis and Treatment of all types of Skin, Hair and Nail diseases. Treatment available- Chemical Peeling, Skin Polishing, Microdermabrasion, Radio Frequency Cautery, Vitiligo Surgery, Platelet rich plasma treatment for face & hair, Acne Surgery, Micro needling, Skin Rejuvenation, Botox
Diagnosis and Treatment of Air Pollution Related Diseases, Asthma, Pneumonia, Interstitial lung disease, Tuberculosis, Lung Cancer, etc. Facilities available- Pulmonary Function Test, Bronchoscopy, Thoracoscopy, Polysomnography (Sleep Study), Respiratory Intensive Care Unit
Diagnosis and Treatment of Lifestyle disorders like Hypertension, Diabetes Mallietus, Thyroid, Asthma, TB and all types of general illness. Facilities available- ECG, 2D-Echo, TMT, EEG, Dexa Scan, Medicine ICU Prevention Program- Diabetes Education Program (3rd Saturday of every month)
Diet and Nutrition counselling and Therapy on all types of diseases. Special counselling and Therapy for Sports persons, Children and Pregnant women
आज दिनाक १५ ऑक्टोबर २०२४ दुपारी 3.00 च्या सुमारास SBI बँकेच्या अधिकारी स्वाती गुप्ता या एक्िक्युटिव्ह चेकिंग साठी रुग्णालयात आल्या असता त्यांचे 10 gm सोन्याचे मंगळसूत्र हरवले.
त्या 3.45 pm ला सुरक्षा विभागात आल्या व CCTV च्या माध्यमातून श्री पुंडलिक डापके यांनी दोन तास कसून शोध घेतला असता... ENT काउंटर वर विसरल्या होत्या असे लक्षात आले .
श्री बाबुराव दणके यांनी मंगळसूत्र सुरक्षित ठेवले होते. श्री. आहेर सर यांनी ते मंगळसूत्र जमा करून घेवून परत ते स्वाती गुप्ता मॅडम यांना सुपूर्द केले.
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